Behavioral Problems

Behavioral problems are most often discussed in the context of children and adolescents. However, certain problems may begin in late adolescence and persist through adulthood. For children, most parents are accustomed to dealing with some degree of acting out through tantrums or talking back.  Children may find themselves often distracted or unable to focus. Such behavior can be an expected part of development, so long as it’s manageable with minor intervention. However, when behavioral problems interrupt academic performance, family relationships, and social life more severely, it may indicate a serious condition that requires professional help.

Some examples of Behavioral Problems include:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined by inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. A person diagnosed with ADHD is easily distracted and has a difficult time concentrating or being productive. It affects an estimated 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults in the United States.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in children is defined by hostile behavior towards figures of authority, like parents or teachers.

Conduct Disorders may include aggressive behavior like fighting and bullying, destructive behavior, such as arson or vandalism, or deceitful behavior, such as stealing and lying.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), commonly referred to plainly as Autism, is a collective group of neurological disorders that affect the behavioral skills of the patient. Oftentimes, Autism is associated with a variety of behavioral problems. The symptoms of Autism can lead to developmental disabilities in social, behavioral, and communication skills.

If behavior problems are causing you or your child significant distress, it is important to seek consultation with a professional like Dr. Watts. If behavioral issues remain untreated, they may result in longer term problems such as anxiety or depression.

Dr. Watts is a Board Certified Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist that has dealt extensively with problematic behavior in children and adolescents. He works closely with parents, teachers, and therapists to establish a tailored solution for each patient. Dr. Watts places a premium on collaborating with other professionals to ensure that his patient’s treatment plans are thoughtful and comprehensive. 

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